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the new design vision the new design vision

See the world
upside down

About me

Because I live and work on the other side of the globe, but also because I see absolutely everything with my designer eye and my traveling heart. I discover the very essence of the countries I visit through their hidden paths and their unknown beauty, in the most unexpected places. I don’t just cross a country, I adopt it, admire it, draw inspiration from it.

do not choose the beaten track

This is why I love the profession of designer: because it allows me to highlight a brand or a product through the unexpected. Thanks to my graphic designs, whether on the web or on paper, I offer creative ideas that stick to the skin of the brands with which she works. Because I don’t just help a brand find its visual identity, I adopt it, admire it, inspire it to do authentic work and offer a unique vision.

Current partners:

Of course! Here's a sample introduction text you could use to describe your branding services: Your brand is more than just a logo - it's a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. As a branding expert, I specialize in creating cohesive, memorable brand identities that leave a lasting impression. From brand strategy to logo design to brand guidelines, I work closely with clients to develop a strong, consistent brand identity that aligns with their business objectives and speaks to their target audience.


Good design is more than just aesthetics - it's about creating a seamless user experience that keeps users engaged and coming back for more. As a UX/UI designer, I understand the importance of building intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that are both functional and visually appealing. From wireframes to prototypes to final designs, I work closely with clients to ensure that their digital products and services are designed with the end user in mind. My focus is on creating experiences that are both easy and enjoyable to use, while delivering on the client's business objectives.


In today's digital age, social media is more important than ever for businesses looking to connect with their audience. As a social media designer, I specialize in creating eye-catching, engaging graphics and visuals that help brands stand out on social media. From custom graphics to branded social media profiles to custom video content, I work closely with clients to help them achieve their social media goals. With a focus on creating content that resonates with the target audience and aligns with the brand's voice and values, I'm dedicated to helping businesses build a strong presence on social media.

Digital & Editorial Design

As a graphic designer, I specialize in creating visually compelling designs for a variety of media, including print and digital. From brochures to packaging to digital ads, I work closely with clients to develop designs that align with their vision and objectives. My focus is on creating designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also communicate the client's message effectively to their target audience. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for visual storytelling, I'm dedicated to helping clients stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Past work

Throughout my career, I've had the pleasure of working for several creative agencies and have gained valuable experience in the process. Discover the agencies that have trusted me in the past years.

You want to work with me?

You have a project in mind? Take a look around and see what catches your eye. If you're interested in working together, don't hesitate to reach out! Montréal, Canada - Bali, Indonesia